Riflecraft Courses

Riflecraft 150: Precision Rifle Fundamentals
Tuition: $225 - $460
1 day
Available Dates: Contact Us
This course is is designed for the new rifle owner, novice or aspiring rifle marksman (or woman) on the safe use and operation of a scoped bolt action rifle. This basic firearms safety, rifle operation and live fire familiarization course provides the student with a comprehensive familiarization with bolt action rifles and their safe and responsible use.

Riflecraft 250: Precision Rifle
3 days
Tuition: $1050 - $2065
Available Dates: Contact Us
Emphasis in this course is placed on positional shooting and use of slings & bipods to reproduce shots taken in actual field conditions. Students work alternately in shooter-spotter pairs during live fire range training and get plenty of high quality spotting and trigger time. Calibers from .223 Rem/5.56 NATO to .338 Lapua Magnum are acceptable for use in this course.

Riflecraft 350: Precision Long Range Rifle
Tuition: $1500 - $2325
3 days
Available Dates: Contact Us
This course is a hands-on program that develops the student's marksmanship skills out to 1000+ yards under field conditions. Emphasis on teaching and training students to consistently engage a variety of different sized steel targets with precision aimed fire to better than one minute of angle at ranges out to 1000+ yards. Instruction on prone and alternate shooting positions as well as the use of slings and bipods to reproduce shots taken in actual field conditions.

Riflecraft 450: Extreme Long Range Precision Rifle
4 days
Tuition: $1850 - $4290
Available Dates: Contact Us
The Extreme Long Range course is where we really “stretch the legs” on your magnum and super magnum rifles to extreme distances. In this course you will learn advanced precision rifle marksmanship skills and ELR shooting techniques to achieve first or second round impacts on targets at ranges from 1000 to 2200 yards! The .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge is the minimum needed for this challenging advanced rifle marksmanship course. Students engage steel targets from multiple firing points, each with different wind conditions and varying terrain.
Field Shooting Clinics & Advanced Skills Workshops

Riflecraft 551: .308Win - 7.62 NATO Field Shooting Clinic
Tuition: $275 - $760
Available Dates: Contact Us
1 day
This Field Shooting Clinic is designed for shooters with .308 caliber rifles desiring to refine their long range shooting skills on targets sighted from 100 yards to beyond 1000 yards. Shooters will be exposed to a variety of precision long range shooting equipment, wind and environmental conditions at all practical engagement ranges for the .308 Winchester cartridge.

Riflecraft 552: .338 Lapua Magnum Field Shooting Clinic
1 day
Tuition: $275 - $1300
Available Dates: Contact Us
This clinic is designed for shooters with .338LM caliber rifles desiring to refine their long range shooting skills on targets sighted from 100 yards to 1760 yards. Our clinics are not a “square range” shooting clinics. Each focuses on shooter development as a system (e.g. shooter, precision rifle, optic, ammo, ballistic calculator) in a field shooting environment.

Riflecraft 553: .50 BMG Field Shooting Clinic
Tuition: $300 - $1185
1 day
Available Dates: Contact Us
This Field Shooting Clinic is designed for shooters with .50BMG caliber rifles desiring to refine and improve their long range shooting skills on targets sited from 100 yards to 1760 yards. Shooters will be exposed to a variety of precision long range shooting equipment, wind and environmental conditions at all practical engagement ranges for this large caliber cartridge.